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Раскройте скобки (play) 1. he every day? (play) 2 he chess now? (snow)3. every day in autumn? (snow) 4. now? (rain) 5. day in london?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)does he play chess every day? 2)does  he playing chess now? 3)does it snowy every day in autumn 4)does  it snow now? 5)does it rainy every day in london?

1.        den studies at the university.

den doesn't study at the u.

does d study in the u?

2.        they usually buy newspapers in the morning.

they don't usually buy newspapers in the morning?

do they usually buy n. in the m?

3.        the teacher asks many questions.

the teacher doesn't ask many q.

does the teacher ask many q?

4.        he entered the law faculty.

he didn't enter the law faculty

did he enter th l f?

5.        my friend saw an interesting film yesterday.

my friend didn't see an interesting film yesterday.

did my friend see an i f y?

6.        they got to the country by bus.

they didn't get to the country by the bus.

did the get to the country by the bus?

7.        nick will work as a teacher.

nick won't (will not) work as a teacher

will nick work as a teacher?

8.        we shall make coffee for him.

we shall not make coffee for him

shall we make coffee for him?

9.        her cousin will go abroad next week.

her cousin won't go abroad next week

will her cousin go a n w?


2 (я просто буду писать в какой форме надо записать глагол))

1. look

2. does't play

3. close

4. gets switch listen

5. goes, goes not (doesn't go), prefers 

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