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Рассказ на анг языке о поездке с мамой в одессу на 1 апреля

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я не могу написать рассказ, не зная что именно вы делали в одессе) попробуй написать так:

i with my mum travelled in odessa city on the first of april. it was great and amazing journey. we saw (напиши что вы там видели, например the sea или a lot of praks). затем напиши, что вы там делали, что ты делала. используй "we/i did" или "we/i  + глагол во 2 форме). напиши, что тебе понравилось больше всего. i

в заключении напиши, что ты бы хотела съездить туда еще (или же наоборот нет)

i hope i would see this city again, it was amazing trip.

the girls asked what they were going to do with all the things they had left.

a tall man with an american accent said that he didn't know what they meant.

the girl asked him just to think about those bits of glass that they had left from their bottles of juice, of all those cola cans and to think about how ugly the place would look littered like that.

a woman with a little hat on said that the young lady was right.

vicki agreed with it. she said that they just couldn't leave that rubbish there and ordered to take that bag.

they thanked girls for helping them understand that the country was a beautiful place and that they mustn't spoil it.

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