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Translate into english.use conditional ii or iii 1.если бы у меня были проблемы с родителями,я бы с ними поговорил. 2.мой друг мог бы съездить во францию прошлым летом, если бы он немного говорил по-французски . 3.я бы тебе не позвонил,если бы ситуация не была такой опасной. 4.на твоем месте я бы проводил больше времени на свежем воздухе. 5.люди бы не леса,если бы знали больше о том,как леса важны для них и животных.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1/ 1.if i had problems with my parents, i would have talked to them. 2.moy one could go to france last summer, if he spoke a little french. 3. i would not call you, if the situation were not so dangerous. 4. on your place i would have spent more time outdoors. 5.lyudi would not cut down forests, if they knew more about how forests are important to them and animals.

If i had problems with my parents, i would have talked to them. 2.moy one could go to france last summer, if he spoke a little french. 3. i would not call you, if the situation were not so dangerous. 4. on your place i would have spent more time outdoors. 5.lyudi would not cut down forests, if they knew more about how forests are important to them and animals.

Future simple  ( will + v) например : my mum will a doctor ( моя мама будет доктором ) she will work in hospital (она будет работать в больнице ) и так делее , все предложения 

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