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Stop: a)look for b)go away c)look up d) give up,

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Ответы на вопрос:

D) give up - означает бросить делать что-либо (учебу), махнуть рукой

1. kingdom is a country ruled by a king or a queen. 2. what is the official name of this country? 3. black cloud means rain. 4. usa is an industrial country. 5. a small boy thought that his grandma is saint. 6. a man feels lonely when he is unhappy. 7. we have to delay our journey. 8. his words hurt me. 9. royal family. 10. i included eggs into a shopping list. 11. a lifetime ago. 12. lawyer is a person who knows a lot about law. 13. he offered to help. 14. we respect our teachers. 15. brag of knowledge. 16. sense of humour. 17. permanent job.

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