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1) выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово(3б): 1. the person who sings songs is a… a) doctor b) singer c) spaceman 2. the person who plays in film is an … a) writer b) engineer c) actor 3. the person who takes part in sport competitions is a … a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress 2) выберите правильную форму глагола (am, is, are)(4б): 1. i … in the seventh form. 2. what … your name? 3. the boys … english. 4. my sister a nurse. 3) выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has)(4б): 1. my sister … got three dogs. 2. we … english three times a week. 3) i … three cousins and one niece. 4) do you … a pet? 4) match the verbs(5б) 1. be 2. meet 3. drink 4. take 5. have 6. leave 7. do 8. go 9. eat 10. buy a) went b) was/were c) bought d) drank e) ate f) met g) did h) had i) left j) took 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 ) make up the sentences(8б): 1) a, i, goldfish, have. 2) he, two, has got, 3) uncle, my, has, a, 4) you, many, cassettes, have подберите к формулам соответствующую временную форму(4б): 1. v, vs 2. am, is, are + ving 3. will v 4. ved (2) a) present continuous b) present simple c) past simple d) future simple 1 2 3 4 7) закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – now, every day, at the moment, in the morning(4б): 1. the baby is crying… 2. i get up at 7 a.m…. 3. we have breakfast … 4. they are doing homework… 8) выберите правильную форму глагола(8б): 1. she … milk every morning. (drinks, is drinking, drink) 2. we to the park now. (goes, are going, go) 3. the woman shopping now. (goes, is going, go) 4. she often her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear) 5. look! the cat up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb) 6. they to the theatre every sunday. (go, goes, are going) 7. father always these newspapers. (read, reads, is reading) 8. i a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writing) прочитай текст и выполни 9,10,11 (9б.) dear michael, i am writing my first letter in english to you from cambridge. there are many students from all over the world living and studying here. things are going very well for me here. my host family is very nice and hospitable. their names are jennifer and christian and they’ve got a son john. jennifer is a housewife and , as our mum, she takes care of the family. she is very understanding and loving. christian is a mechanic. he repairs both old and modern cars. he is serious and polite. john is a nice and friendly boy. he is only four but next september he’ll become a pupil. i’ve made some good friends at school. all the students are very friendly. i am having a really good time. i love to speak and learn english words. mickey, you will come to visit me at winter holidays, won’t you? cambridge is wonderful but i miss my family and spain. kisses and hugs to you all. best wishes from your brother, raul 9) выбери правильный ответ и обведи соответствующую букву: what is this story about? it’s about the life of a spanish student. it’s about the life of an english student. it’s about the life of an english family. 10) прочитай предложения. отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту, - t (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют,- f (false). 1. raul is studying a foreign language in 2. there are four people in his host family. 3. raul likes his host 4. raul has no friends in his language 11) соедини стрелками начало и конец предложения. jennifer is serious and polite. john is understanding and loving. christian is nice and friendly.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-b, 2-c, 3-b; 1-am, 2-is, 3-are, 4-is; 1-has, 2-have, 3-have, 4-have.

1. b 2. c 3. b 1. am 2. is 3. are 4. is 1. has 2. have 3. have 4. have

1. yes, i do morning exercises very day. i spend 10-15 minutes on them. 2.i'm good at volleyball and football. i play these games quite often, 3-4 times per week. 3. i try to eat healthy food. in winter i don't eat many vegetables, but in summer i do. i like eating  chicken, fruit and porridges. 4.i walk a lot, because every day i go to school on foot. besides, at the weekend i always go for a walk with my friends. in summer i love riding a bike, because its easy and good for my body. i do it almost every day. 5.usually i don't take a cold shower in the morning. i go to the swimming pool once a week. 6.actually i dont usually visit doctors, maybe once per 4-5 months is enough for me. 7. of course it can be a bit difficult, but i try to do it. 8.i like football and baseball. i really enjoy watching football on tv. 

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