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Написать текст на языке был прекрасный солнечный день а вокруг было море на море был остров на острове сидела обезьяна и была там пальма а в далеке виднелся карабль и еще плавала золотая рыбка

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Ответы на вопрос:

Was a beautiful sunny day and it was around the sea to the sea was an island on an island sitting monkey was there palma and in the distance could be seen karabl and even swam goldfish.наверн

Was a beautiful sunny day and it was around the sea to the sea was an island on an island sitting monkey was therepalm tree, and in the distance could be seen the ship and even swam goldfish

If you learn new words they will write a dictation

Популярно: Английский язык