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Мой любимый актер - это павел прилучный. мне нравится как он играет роли в сериалах, как он раскрывает себя. мне нравятся все его привычки, повадки, характер этого актера. также мне нравится его внешность : плоский лоб, острый нос, смуглая кожа, красивая улыбка. этот актер просто гениально играет все свои роли. самый мой любимый сериал с этого участием это " закрытая школа" . там актер выложился на все 100% , играл он роль макса, и замечательно с этим справился. он был самим собой , грубый, добрый. мне понравился этот фильм и сам этот актер.

11.today the weather was not as good as yesterday. 2. i heard both reports, the first was much more interesting than the second. 3. this translation is more difficult than the one we did in december. 4. the warmer the weather, the better we feel. 5. this is the largest apartment in our house, it is twice as large as ours. 6. this is the shortest way to the lake. 7. his eldest daughter works now in our company. 8. today is just as hot as yesterday. 2 1.the more interesting the book, the faster it is read. 2. yesterday was much colder than today. 3. this film is not worse than the one i saw the day before yesterday. 4. he is as strong as his brother. 5. the coat is not worse after washing. 6. the director wanted to see you for further explanations. 7. new avenues are twice as wide as the old streets of our city. 8. this is the best room in our apartment, it is much bigger and lighter than the rest. 3 1.he is more busy than you. 2. this year was the most difficult for us. 3. did you read his last article? 4. you are as beautiful as her mother. 5. it is much easier for me to know the truth. 6. in the past year, the winter was not as cold as this. 7. the colder the winter, the warmer the summer. 8. i'm an old man, i'm twice as old as you.

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