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Надо ну просто надо перевести текст с на мы –коммерческая организация «благотворительный фонд бездомным животным» витмакс, который был создан в 2013 году группой жителей богдановича, состоящих их двух людей, верящих, что мы в силах братьям нашим меньшим. в данный момент в состав фонда входят несколько постоянных активистов. все члены фонда животным в свободное от основной работы время на добровольных и бескорыстных началах. фонд призывает жителей произвести финансовую в сторону животных.

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we are a commercial organization "foundation for homeless animals" vitmaks, which was established in 2013 by a group of residents bogdanovich, consisting of two people who believe that we are able to help our younger brothers.at the moment in the fund includes several permanent activists. all members of the foundation to help animals in their spare time on a voluntary basis and unselfish.the foundation encourages residents to make financial assistance towards animals.





как я поняла, нужно наоборот перевести)

we are a commercial organization "foundation for homeless animals" vitmakswhich was created in 2013 by a group of people bogdanovich, consisting of two people who believe that we are able to help our younger brothers.at the moment in the fund includes several permanent activists. all members of the foundation to help animals in their spare time on a voluntary basis and unselfish.the foundation encourages residents to make financial assistance towards animals


with the technological boom, and how everyone is now glued to their personal gadgets, like smart phones and home computers, people tend to read books a lot less. everyone is into social media and internet browsing, having less and less of time to explore and to dream, to imagine when reading tom interesting story from a book. we are no longer the society of dreamers but rather the society of consumers and quick learners, always being on the go and in the rush, not having enough time during the day for anything. so when it comes to books, this is how it is anymore, unless i am told to read something, i don't have time for one. but i do have favorite books, like:


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