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Ii. поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму и переведите их на язык. 1. there are some special benches for the government and the opposition in the house of lords. 2. somebody must be present as a witness when you sign your will. 3. today’s newspapers published something important about the changes in the judicial system of the usa.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1. there aren`t some special benches for the government and the opposition in the house of lords. are there some special benches for the government and the opposition in the house of lords?

  2. somebody mustn`t be present as a witness when you sign your will. must somebody be present as a witness when you sign your will?

  3. today’s newspapers didn`t publish something important about the changes in the judicial system of the usa. did today’s newspapers publish something important about the changes in the judicial system of the usa?

1. в палате лордов существуют специальные скамьи для правительства и оппозиции.

2. кто-либо должен присутствовать в качестве свидетеля при завещании вашей воли.

3. сегодняшние газеты опубликовали что-то важное об изменениях в судебной системе сша

he played with her feelings.

we visited canada last week. it was awesome

did she dance like Michael Jackson?!

i liked her dress, but i didn't say that.

didn't they paint all these walls?

she prefered pizza, but not soup

me and my friends dived so deep in the sea

you didnt clean your room!

did you watch all Harry Potter's movies?

he didn't listen that music in the class

i washed all the dishes in the kitchen

i didnt want that shoes

we discovered that weird book in that bookshop

he skipped math class last week

she dropped my croissant


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