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35 ! rewrite the following sentences using the gerund and the words in brackets. 1) i want to see this new comedy programme very much. (to look forward to) 2) pam would like to listen to music. (to prefer) 3) my parents agreed to buy me a new mobile phone for my birthday. (not to mind) 4) greg doesn’t like to speak about his plans for the future. (to hate) 5) witty said we could send him an e-mail letter. (suggest)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i look forward seeing this 2 pam prefers listening to music 3 my parents don't mind byuing me a new.. 4 greg hates speaking about 5 witty suggested sending him

1. i look forward this new comedy program.

2. pam prefer to listen to music.

3. my parents don t mind to buy me a new mobile phone for my birthday/

4. greg hate to speak about his plans for the future.

5. witty suggest send him an e-mail letter. 

Ben is Anna's cousin

Joanna is Rob's grandmother

Mark is Ben's uncle

Rob is Lucy's  nephew

Zak is Emma's husband

Sam is Andy's father

Amelia is Ellie's aunt

Anna is Ellie's sister

Sam is Rob's grandfather

Бен - двородный брат Анны

Джоанна - бабушка Роба

Марк - дядя Бена

Роб - племянник Люси  

Зак - муж Эммы

Сэм - отец Энди

Амелия - тетя Элли

Анна -  сестра Элли

Сэм - дедушка Роба

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