Translate the sentences. use the verbs: arrive, leave, pay, eat, go, read, phone, forget. 1. когда он приехал, гости уже съели торт. 2. она не могла заплатить, потому что оставила деньги дома. 3. прежде чем поехать в москву, она прочитала книгу о ней. 4. он не мог позвонить нам, потому что забыл номер нашего телефона.

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1.when he arrived,guests had already eaten the cake. 2.she couldn`t pay because she left money at home 3.before going to moscow,she had read book aobout her 4.he couldn`t call us because he forgot our phone number.

Iam tiny. i think i am shy and beautiful. but i am not very clever. i can be the best friend. but i can't find friends in my class. i like to laugh and be happy. i like coffee and delicious food. please write back.

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