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Journey one of the most favorite activities of most people. why so many love to travel? quite simply, when a person is traveling, he knows the world and himself. on earth a lot of unusual places, beautiful places that make you experience great emotions, feelings. during the trip, filled with energy, strength, positive emotions. begin to feel the harmony and close relationship of man with nature. amazing country, beautiful scenery always lured romantics. many writers, musicians, artists created works of art after traveling, which filled them with a new experience changed their outlook on life. when a person begins to travel, it changes, because it is influenced by new countries, cities, people, nature. the world is becoming more interesting and varied new friends. since ancient times people are not knowing what's next, went on a journey, they are attracted by the freshness, the mystery, the curiosity. and it was quite dangerous, but despite this, opened new cities, countries, seas, oceans, continents. now modern man knows a lot, but going on a trip, he still discovers an amazing and unique world.

Эˈбaут  90  пё  сент  ов  ол  ˈчилдрэн  ин  зэю-ес-ей  эˈтенд  стейт  о  ˈпаблик  скулз  уээр  ˌедьюˈкейшэн  из  фри.  ин  ˈазэ  уёдз  43  ˈмильэнˈпьюплз  энд  ˈстьюдэнтс  гоу  ту  ˈпаблик  скулзэнд  эˈназэ  6  ˈмильэн  ар  ин  ˈпрайвит  скулз.  ин  ˈпрайвит  скулз  ˈпеэрэнтс  хэв  ту  пей  фозеэ  ˈчилдрэнз  ˌедьюˈкейшэн.  моуст  ов  зэˈпрайвит  скулз  хэв  риˈлиджэсˌедьюˈкейшэн,  ту.  зэ  риˈлейшэнз  биˈтуин  ˈстьюдэнтс  энд  ˈтичэзин  стейт  скулз  а  ˌдемэˈкрэтик  эндˈфрендли.  ин  эˈмерикэн  ˈпаблик  скулзˈстьюдэнтс  уээ  уотˈевэ  зей  уонт.  ˈстьюдэнтс  кэн  чуз  зэ  ˈсабджиктс  зей  уонт  туˈстади.  зей  ˈофэн  тейк  пат  ин  нон-ˌэкэˈдемикэкˈтивитиз  сач  эз  спотс,  ˈдрамэ  клабз,  скулˈньюзˌпейпэр  о  ˈрейдиоу.  эˈмерикэнз  синк  зэт  ич  ˈпёсн  шуд  эˈчив  ол  зэтхи  о  ши  кэн.  бат  сам  эˈмерикэнз  биˈлив  зэт  зэ  ˈкуолити  овˌедьюˈкейшэн  из  ˈгоуин  дaун.  зей  синк  зэт  зэˈнамбэр  ов  ˈбейсик  ˈсабджиктс  изфью,  ˈстьюдэнтс  уоч  ту  мач  ˌтиˈви  энд  ду  туˈлитл  ˈхоумˌуёк

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