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Кто правильно напишет поставлю как лучший. unusual school day it was a beautiful morning on friday. fred watched his favourite cartoon on tv. then he had breakfast with his brother david. after breakfast he said, “goodbye”, to his family and rode his bike to school. he put his bike next to the wall. he always put his bike there – with all his friends’ bikes. fred went into his classroom and put his books on the desk. the room was very quite because no children were there. the teacher was not there too. that was strange. what happened to his classmates? he sat down at his desk and took his pen from his bag. then he looked around and saw some people outside the window. fred saw his teacher with a guitar and all his friends. in front of them there were two clowns. the first clown threw a tomato at the second clown. it went into his mouth. all the children laughed. fred stood up quickly. “oh yes! ” he said, “it’s our last school day today. it’s the school party! ” he ran outside and sat with his friends. what day was it? friday a) what did fred do before breakfast? b) how did he go to school? c) where were his friends and the teacher? d) how many clowns were there? e) why did they have a party?

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А)  фред смотрел, как его любимый мультфильм по телевизору. б)  после завтрака он сказал: "до свидания", к своей семье и ехал на велосипеде в школу. с) потом он оглянулся и увидел людей за окном. фред увидел своего учителя с гитарой и всех его друзей. d)1e) it’s the school party! ” he ran outside and sat with his friends. what day was it?

There are bushes, tree. do you like safari? первое  не точно, потому что зависит от темы, а второе вроде бы правильное

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