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Это тест. тут надо выбрать один правильный ответ! я думаю вы за ранеедолговато я это все писала сюды)думаю,что вы ! 1)i always food in this supermsrket a) buy b)buys c)bought d)will buy 2)nick to school yesterday a)will go b)goes c)go d)went 3) i my grandmother tomorrow a)vidited b)visit c)visitd d)will visit 4)ann usually english very fluently a)spoke b)will speak c)speaks d)speak 5)my parents to the country next week a)went b)go c)goes d)will go 6)i to bed early last monday a)go b)goes c)went d)will go 7)i at home next saturday a)was b)am c)is d)will be 8)my parents me to the theatre every month a)take b)took c)takes d)will take 9)i often at school after the lesson a)stayed b)will stay c)stay d)stays 10)i a pet when i was a child a)have b)has c)will have d)had 11)mary to moscow next month a)comes b)came c) will came d)come 12)i a lot of good films last month a)see b)saw c)sees d)wiil see

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a) buy 2. d) went 3. d) will visit 4. c) speaks  5. d) will go 6. c) went 7. d) will be 8. a) take 9. c) stay 10. d) had 11. c) will came 12. b) saw

1. а) i always buy 2.  d)  nick  went  to school yesterday  3.  d)  i  will visit  my grandmother tomorrow 4.  c)  ann usually  speaks  english very fluently 5.  d)  my parents  will go  to the country next week 6.  c)  i  went   to bed early last monday  7.  d)  i  will be  at home next saturday  8.  a)  my parents  take    me to the theatre every month  9.  c)  i often  stay  at school after the lesson 10.  d)  i  had  a pet when i was a child 11.  c) mary  will came  to moscow next month 12.  b)  i  saw   a lot of good films last month 

The world's largest mammal, the  blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons. (самое крупное животное на земле  голубой кит  весит 50 тонн при рождении. взрослая особь достигает массы в  150 тонн).

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