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Опешите свою семью на мама: цвет волос тёмно русые , худая ,низкая, глаза зелёные,работает в кафе поваром. папа: цвет волос чёрные,высокий,худой ,глаза серо голубые,работает водителем -погрузчика. сестра: высокая ,цвет глаз зелёные,худая ,волосы коричневые, учиться на дизайнера садов. прошу !

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mother: her hair is dark brown, she is thin, small , her eyes are green, she is a cook in the cafe father: his hair is black, he is tall, thin, his eyes are gray-blue, he is a loader driver sister: she is tall, her eyes are green, she is thin, her hair is brown, she is learning to become a garden's desiner 

Mom: hair color dark blond , lean ,low, green eyes,works in a café as a cook.  dad: black color hair,tall,thin ,grey blue eyes,works as a driver -loader. sister: tall ,eye color green,thin ,brown hair, study design gardens

The girls are making diners now

Are you playing football?

We aren't painting a picture.

They are having a party this afternoon

Is she cooking lunch?


Популярно: Английский язык