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1.переведите предложения,используя обороты there is/there are в твоей комнате есть компьютер? в вашем городе много парков. возле твоего дома есть автобусная остановка? 2. на месте пропусков употребите, где нужно, артикль "the". a)our flat is on second floor b)my brother goes to school c)what do you usually have for dinner? d)kyiv is capital of ukraine. e)what is longest river in the world? f)after dinner we usually watch television. g)in the morning i always listen to radio h)nike always comes to see us at of june weather is wonderful today. sky is blue, is shining.brightly k)my grandma lives in country,about three miles from hearest town l)mr.brown and kate live on same street 3.поставьте вопросы,начинающиеся с whose.. a)that bag is the teacher `s b)that dollis the girl` s d)these shoes are my mother`s

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.there is a computer in your room? there are a lot of parks in our city there is a bas station near your house? 2.a) the b) the c) the d) the e) the f) - g) the h) the j) the, the, the k) the l) the 3. a) whose bag is it? b) whose that dolls are? c) whose these shoes are ?

The doctor said to the patient that he was cured.

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