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Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме. 1)my sister is the (good) pupil in her class 2)it is a very (funny) english book 3)in the city rivers are (dirty) than in the country 4)tigers are (big) than dogs 5)nick is the (bad) pupil in our class 6) i think dolphins are the (beautiful) animals 7) winter is a (cold) season, i like it 4. выбери нужный глагол do,does ann play volleyball at school? 2) you usually write litters? they usually go to the park on sundays? his sister speak english? 5)what you usually do in the evening?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. best 2.funnier 3.moreclfficun 4.smaller 5.biggest 6.worset 7.lazie

1) the best 2)funny 3)dirtier 4)bigger 5)the worst 6)the most beautiful 7) cold 8 1) does 2)do 3) do 4)does 5)do

1какие сады и парки знамениты 

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