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Пресент симпли пресент континиус предложение 1 "послушай! кто-то поёт 2 "мы ходим в театр каждый вторник" 3 "извини! он сейчас спит" 4 "ты можешь выключить телевизор , я не смотрю его" 5 "скажи это снова, я не понимаю" 6 "он часто смотрит телевизор вечером" ответьте сегодня, нужно, заранее

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. listen! somebody is singing! 2. we go to the theatre every tuesday. 3. i`m sorry, he is sleeping now. 4. could you switch off the tv, please? i don`t watch it. 5. could you say it again, please,  i don`t understand. 6. he often watches tv in the evenings.

1must 2 can 3 must 1 there are twelve months in a year. 2 there are   two windows at our classroom. 3 there is ice on the roads. 1  this chocolate is better than that one 2 lemon is the sourest fruit. 3 potato is the most popular vegetable in russia. he was late for the classes yesterday. 1 was he late for the classes yesterday? 2 he was late for the classes yesterday, wasn`t he? 3 when he was late for classes? 4 was he late for classes yesterday or the day before yesterday?

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