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Places of interest in russiarussia is the largest country in the world. it has a long and interesting history. the country is famous for its numerous places of interest. the capital of russia is moscow, and it’s the biggest city in the country. another big and famous city in russia is saint petersburg. it has once been a capital of the country. these two cities have the majority of russian sights. for example, the kremlin, which is situated in the heart of moscow, the bolshoi theater, which is also in moscow and many others. saint-petersburg is famous by its magnificent architecture. almost every building in the city looks like a rare masterpiece. many people take trips along some russian cities, called golden ring. the golden ring of russia includes such cities as suzdal, vladimir, ivanovo, yaroslavl and many others. these cities are famous for their rich history and ancient churches. also, tourists can take part in some authentic festivals when visiting these cities. another famous sight in russia is situated in the center of asia. it’s called altay. many tourists want to see this amazing region, which is known for its crystal clear lakes, high mountains and other natural wonders. the deepest lake in the world, baikal, is also situated in russia, in the east siberian region.

As for me, i enjoy reading books. on the one hand, they broaden my mind, on the other hand - they are full of physcological thought. personally, i think, that reading books in english is helpful for everybody. firstly, it helps you to expand your horizons. secondly, thanks to it, i will learn new vocabulary. finally, while reading books my prounansation becomes better. frankly speaking, i am fond of dikkens. personally,  i  have already read "christmas carol" and i am impressed by it`s  physcological thought.in conclusion, i`d like to say, that everybody should  read books in english, if he wants to make his english better. перевод: что касается меня, я люблю читать книги. с одной стороны, они расширяют мой кругозор, с другой - они полны философских мыслей. лично я думаю, что чтение  книг на полезно каждому. во-первых, они тебе расширить твой кругозор. во-вторых , этому, я узнаю новые слова. в-третьих, читая книги на , мое произношение становится лучше. откровенно говоря,   мне нравится диккенс. лично я уже прочитала его "крисмас кэрол", я под впечатлением этого произведения, так как оно имеет глубокую философскую мысль.в заключение хочу сказать, что читать книги на должен каждый, если хочет улучшить свой .

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