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Прочитать стих надо до ! i met a little girl who came from another land. i couldn"t speak her language, but i took her by her hand. we danced together, had such fun! dancing is a language, you can speak with anyone.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Явстретил маленькую девочку, которая пришла из других мест я не говорю на ее языке но я взял ее руку мы танцевали вместе было так весело! танцы - это язык ты можешь говорить на нем с кем угодно

1  what did s do in the main building on the first floor? which building did s sleep in? / where did s sleep?   on what floor did s sleep? 2 what had we done by 7 p.m.? what had we cleaned by 7 pm? by what time had we cleaned the plates? 3 does r have a rider sphere of interest? 4 when was this house built? in what century was this house built?

Популярно: Английский язык