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Хелп гайсы ( c o o k p l a y t r a v e l r a i n r e l a x s t a y d a n c e pack up walk) 1 hyper harry s tayed at a campsite sunday and monday. 6 he his tent an tuesday. 2 he didn't stay at the campsite all week. 7 he basketball an wednesday. 3 on sunday he his dinner on a fire. 8 he an the beach an thursday. 4 lt all day an monday. 9 he all saturday night at a disco. 5 he to town on monday. 10 he by plane an sunday.

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1. we (had been invited) to the presentation but we didn’t go. 2. this exhibition is very popular. every year it (is visited) by thousands of people. 3. a new manufacturing plant (will be built) next year. 4. - where is the printer? - it (is going to be repaired) tomorrow. 5. - shall i send the fax? - no, you needn’t. it (was sent) two hours ago. 6. many buildings (were damaged) in the fire last week. 7. it is a famous company, but in a few years its brand name (will be forgotten). 8. this is a bicycle factory. it (was built) in 1958. 9. my bag (was stolen) from my car yesterday. 10. computers (are used) by millions of people every day.

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