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Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, во временах present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, добавив необходимые обстоятельства времени. mr. chase (to go) to his office by car.

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Ответы на вопрос:


father-it's time to go to bed.

son phantom-okay, but look under the bed. suddenly there's a monster


son - there, on the bed someone lies, i hid under the bed.

daughter phantom-what's wrong dad?


daughter – dad, what's wrong with you?

wife-what happened dear?

father-call the police and the priest

son and daughter-what's going on here? mom? ! dad? !

part 2

detective - what's going on?

priest – got together to say a prayer


part 3

detective - can you tell me what happened?

wife-i remember only the moment, when in the door someone began to break

detective-okay, thank you rest, if you remember anything, call me

part 4

detective - who's there?

the son of the phantom-this the second i was too kind, and i killed him

detective-where's your sister?

part 5

the daughter of the phantom how dare you kill my brother? gangplank, like my brother a painful death! au revoir!

the detective-the devil had missed her!

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