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Напишите рассказ по . про хотьбу, отвечая на вопросы. надеюсь на ! which is your favourite sport? are you good at it yourself? why do you like it? и вопросы ^ уour favourite sport; - what kind of sport it is; - its history; - if you do or watch it; - why you like it; - how you train (when, where); - how long you do it; - when you began doing it, why; - about your coach; - your best results in this sport; - what you learn from it; - what place it will take in your future life.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my favourite sport is nordic walking. 2. i think i am very good at it. 3. i like nordic walking; because i can always be outside and it is easy to do; without any effort. 4. i go walking nearly every day. only when it is raining cats and dogs and without ceasing; i don`t do it. sometimes i go walking for one hour or two. it depends on the time i can spend for it.  5. i started to walk since i can remember; very early. my parents took me for the walk. later i went walking together with my best girl friend: we also took our dog; a german shepherd , for the walk.  6. today my coach is not only my own desire; but also my job. i carry out newspapers in the morning. so i have to be in good condition. if there is something, from what i can learn; it is to have persistancy and discipline . otherwise i could not probably  do it. i hope i will keep my body in good condition ; even when i am getting old. 

1.the  new  world  is  america.  2.the usa  is  the  country  of  immigrants because  millions of  them  went  there  to  live. 3.immigrants  came to the usa from europe, asia, africa, australia and south america  . 4.americans celebrate both  the festivals of the old world  and new american festivals and traditions . 5.  americans    put the first man on the moon,  it  was neil   armstrong. 6.yes,  they  are.they remember their country's history and the days of the "wild west". most of them are very proud of their country and love it.

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