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1. определите в каждом предложении видо-временную форму и залог гла¬гола-сказуемого. переведите предложения. 1. i came at 6 but they had finished the work by that time. 2. the new equipment will be delivered by the year. 3. have you ever met him? 4. he will have repaired his car by saturday. 5. english is spoken in many countries. 6. they woke after the alarm clock had already rung. 7. he was told to wait.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.я пришел в 6 часов, но они закончили работу к тому времени. 2.новое оборудование будет поставлено в год 3.вы когда-либо встречался с ним? 4.он отремонтировал свою машину в субботу 5. говорят во многих странах. 6.они носили после того, как будильник уже прозвенел. 7.ему было сказано ждать.

Hi Jane!
Thanks for your letter, it was great hearing from you again. You asked me to tell you about my favourite film. Well, it's Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is a film based on a book written by J. K. Rowling. This film is about a young boy who is a wizard. He goes to the wizard school named Hogwarts and finds two loyal friends there. They together have a lot of adventures during school year. What i like the most about this film is that it is filled with hilarious moments but also keeps you in suspense till the very end.

Special effects are breathtaking. While watching this film you can feel like being in that magical world and learning all that spells with Harry and his friends. The plot is amazing and it keeps you on the edge of the sit during all film. I highly recommend you watching this film.

Tell me about your favourite film in your next letter. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,
твое имя

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