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Скажите по-: 1. послушай! анна поет в соседней комнате. она поет хорошо. она учится в консерватории уже 3 года. 2. что вы пишете? — я пишу письмо своей сестре. мы часто пишем письма друг другу. сейчас она работает над своей книгой. она работает над ней уже несколько месяцев. 3. что ты сейчас делаешь? — я готовлюсь к семинару по госу¬дарства и права. — по-моему, ты готовишься уже давно. — да, этот семинар трудный. я готовлюсь уже несколько часов. — но обычно ты быстро готовишься. — да, а вот к этому семинару я готовлюсь с трех часов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Как то так listen! anna sings in the next room. she sings very well. she is studying at the conservatory for 3 years. 2. what are you writing? - i'm writing a letter to his sister. we often write letters to each other. she is now working on his book. she's working on it for several months. 3. what are you doing now? - i'm preparing for a seminar on the history and gosu¬darstva law. - in my opinion, you are preparing for a long time. - yes, this workshop is very difficult. i'm getting ready for several hours. - but you're usually quick to cook. - yes, but for this workshop, i am preparing to three hours.

1. first you should feel a wish to eat food so you need to wake up drink some tea or water and after only when your stomach would like and ready to take food you should cook better porridge and bread with butter. 2. then in 2 or 3 houres you can get hungry and now it s time to take some more high-calorie food. it should be    soup or meat with vegetables. 3. pay attention! portions of meals must be a little. 4. also it can be nice to drink much water during the day. not sweet of coure. 5.  you  should prefer to eat vegetables and fruits. 6. try to exclude fat food from your ration. 7. forget for your late supper.

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