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До завтра 1.you guiet in the art gallery. a.mustn't b.must c.can't 2.there' toy shop next to the bookshop. a.a b.the c.an love a glass of water,please? a.would b.must c.could 4. or drink in the theatre. a.can't b.must c.mustn't 5.there and cinemas in leicester square. a.must b.many c.the tom's toys! a.this b.these c.that help you at all? a.must b.would c.can 8.there's a man in over there. a.a b.an c.the 9. please go to the cinema tonight? a.would b.can c.must 10. and see the new spiderman film.it's great! a.can't b.must c.could a great song.here,listen to it. a.these b.this c.a 12.wow,look i got for my birthday! a.many b.must c.lot

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-must 2-a 3-could( вы, кажется, в вопросе ошиблись, вместо love должен быть другой глагол) 4-cant 5-many 6-these 7-can 8-the 9-can 10-must

1b 2a 3c 4c 5b 6b 7a 8a 9b 10b 11b 12a

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