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1)what do people read in the library? 2)what do they sell in the shoe-shop? 3)how oftendo you or your relatives write letters? 4)how many letters are there in the russian alpabet? 5)how many states are there in the united states of america? 6)have you got your own room? ответит.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. books 2.shoes 3. i don't write paper letters at all, but i can write e-mails. 4.33 5.50 6.yes

1. This work was done yesterday. - Эта работа была сделана вчера

2. John was asked at the lesson yesterday. - Джона вчера с на уроке.

3. Many houses were built in our rown last year. - Много домов было построено в нашем городе в году.

4. I was given a very interesting book at the library last Friday. -Мне дали очень интересную книгу в библиотеке в пятницу.

5. This text was translated at the last lesson.  - Этот текст перевели на занятии.

6. I was invited to a concert last Saturday.  - Меня пригласили на концерт в субботу.

7. These tress were planted last autumn.  - Эти деревья были посажены осенью.

8. Nick was  sent to Moscow last week. - Ника отправили в Москву на неделе.


Популярно: Английский язык