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Iвариант блок а. дополнить. 1. is the capital of great britain. 2. john r. r. tolkien is a famous english 3. there is a special place for the queen’s family in the ’s museum. 4. mother’s or father’s brother is an 5. артикль употребляется только с существительным в единственном числе. блок b. выбрать правильный ответ. 1. we bought… new dress. a) a b) an c) the d) – 2. washington is … capital of … usa. a) a/the b) an/- c) the/the d) - / - 3. he has already … his puppy for a walk. a) took b) taken c) will take d) take 4. his elder sister usually … care of their pets. a) is taken b) took c) has taken d) takes 5. she is the … beautiful girl in our class. a) more b) most c) much d) - 6. i … in the sixth form. a) am b) is c) are d) – 7. my sister… got three sons. a) have b) has c) - d) had 8. she plays tennis… a) … at this moment b)… last month c) … every monday d)… next week 9. your mother’s sister is your … a) grandmother b) aunt c) cousin d) father 10. have you bought presents for all your … ? a)nicknames b) situations c) relatives d) pets блок с. заполнить пропуски следующими словами: regent’s park; london zoo; 12,000; animals, birds, fishes and insects; 1839 is the most famous british zoo. the home of london zoo is which is not far from the centre of london. it has been an attraction since today there are more than animals at london zoo. different kinds of live there. !

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Ответы на вопрос:

Блок а. дополнить.  1. is the capital of great britain.  2. john r. r. tolkien is a famous english   3. there is a special place for the queen’s family in the ’s museum. 4. mother’s or father’s brother is an   5. артикль употребляется только с существительным в единственном числе.  блок b. выбрать правильный ответ.  1. we bought     a … new dress.  2. washington is … capital of … usa.  a) a/the  3. he has already … his puppy for a walk.  b) taken  4. his elder sister usually … care of their pets.    d) takes  5. she is the … beautiful girl in our class.    b) most  6. i … in the sixth form.  a) am  7. my sister… got three sons.    b) has  8. she plays tennis…    c) … every monday  9. your mother’s sister is your …    b) aunt  10. have you bought presents for all your … ?     c) relatives  блок с. заполнить пропуски следующими словами:   regent’s park; london zoo; 12,000; animals, birds, fishes and insects; 1839  is the most famous british zoo. the home of london zoo is regent’s park; which is not far from the centre of london. it has been an attraction since   today there are more than __12,000; animals at london zoo. different kinds of , birds, fishes and insects; live there. 

My mother bought a lot of bananas yesterday.

We have just eaten all the bananas.

I think she will buy some more bananas tomorrow.

Usually my dog drinks milk.

My dog is eating meat now.

Как то так, надеюсь удачи!)

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