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Язык 9-11 класс. тема: время глагола. допишите предложения при still, yet, already, since, for, recently, ever. 1.the decorated their house. 2.we all the postcards. 3.mike has lived with his 4.we havent decided what we want to buy 5.there have been many good programmes on 6.we have lived in this long time. 7.susan has been my party last april. 8.have apple pie? 9.they havent sold their

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. still  2. already  3.since  4.yet  5.recently  6. for  7. for 8. ever  9.yet

1. are  2. was 3. was 4. are 5. were 6. weren't

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