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Подготовить рассказ про члена семьи.моего братишку зовут марсель.его зовут марсель.ему 11 месяцев.марсель уже умеет ползать и ходить.мне с ним интересно играть он везьде лазиет познаёт мир.

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My brother's name is marcel.he's 11 months.marcel already knows how to crawl and walk.i was with him fun to play he climbs everywhere and exploring the world.

  1.will you go  to the library tomorrow? -no, i have  already   been to the library this week. i was there on monday. as a rule, i   to go to the library every wednesday. but yesterday i did not   go there, because i had not   read  the book. i am reading it now. i will  go to the library on saturday if i   finish the book by that time. 2.as soon as i receive a letter, i shall go to moscow. 3.yesterday i   put five apples into the vase. where are  they now? -i have eaten them. will you bring some more tomorrow? - yes, if you do not   make noise when granny sleeps. 4.have you ever been to the hermitage? 5.what was  nick doing when you rang him up yesterday?   7.he was  playing the piano. he  has told me that he already had  written his composition. 6.why is  she   sleeping now? it is too early. she never sleeps  at this time 2.раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в одном из времен: present, past, future indefinite passive. 1.bread is eaten every day. 2.the letter was received yesterday. 3.nick   will be  sent to moscow next week. 4.i was  asked at the lesson yesterday. 5.i was given a very interesting book at the library last friday. 6.many houses are  built in our town every year. 7.this work will be  done tomorrow. 8.this text was translated at the last lesson. 9.these trees were planted last autumn. 10.many interesting games are played at our pt lessons. 11.this bone will be given to my dog tomorrow. 12. we were  invited to a concert last sunday. 13.my question was answered yesterday. 14.hockey is played in winter. 15.mushrooms are gathered in autumn. 16.many houses were  burnt during the great fire of london. 17.his new book will  be finished next year. 18.flowers are sold in shops and in streets. 19.st.petersburg was  founded in 1703.

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