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Ответы на вопрос:

Апро каково именно члена семьи писать?

have you ever been to london? — yes, i have been there several times. — when were  you   there last? — i was there last a month ago.

2. \have  you seen    mary this week? — no, i have not. but i saw her last month.

3. when did you enter  the nautical college? — i entered it last autumn.

4. the ice-breaker sibir has just arrived at the pilot station.

5. we learnt about our next voyage lately. — but i know about your coming voyage (предстоящий рейс) three days ago.

6. when did you make  your first voyage? — i made it four months ago, but my brother just put to sea.

7. the sailors have already   launched the life-boat. — when have they   lifted life-boat no 2? — they have lifted it 10 minutes ago.

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