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Мини-эссе на "любовь или дружба? что важнее? "

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Love and friendship are wonderful feelings. they make a person better, kinder, more honest, inspire him to good deeds. and from real friendship, and from sincere love a person gets a lot of positive emotions. therefore, the very formulation of the question - what is more important: love or friendship, is very strange. if there is such a question, most likely, something is wrong either with love or friendship and one of those feelings is insincere, simulated. we must firmly remember:   true friends and girlfriends will not prevent love. they will not claim personal space, always understand, agree with the choice and even support their friend. if a friend is like a capricious child takes time, then he can not be considered a close friend. a good friend is hard to find; hard to lose and impossible to forget. real friendship is the most important thing in the world. remember it and be a good friend yourself. friends should take care of each other. both in love and in friendship trust and patience are the main things.to conclude b oth feelings are vital for human beings. without love human life is poor and without friendship the man lives like being on an isolated island.

Мы всегда остановился на одну ночь в осло, чтобы мы могли иметь грандиозный ежегодный reunionwith наша бабушка и дедушка, родители нашей матери.  когда мы вышли из лодки, мы все пошли в кавалькада такси прямо к большому hotelto оставить наш багаж. тогда, сохраняя те же такси, мы поехали дальше, чтобы бабушки и дедушки'' дом, где эмоциональный прием ждал нас. все мы были охвачены andkissed много раз и слезы текли по морщинистой старые щеки и внезапно, что quietgloomy дом ожил с многих детских голосов.

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