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Грамматика. выбери верную форму глагола ( present simple or present continous) listen! my friend song. sings b) sing c) is singing my sister usually the kitchen. is helping b) helps c) help ann and her friends . are walking b) is walking c) walk they abroad every summer. goes b) go c) are going she often to her friends. is writing b) write c) writes 2. закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – now, every day, at the moment, in the morning: 1. the baby is crying… 2. i get up at 7 a.m…. 3. we have breakfast … 4. they are doing homework… 3. выбери верную форму глагола ( past simple or present perfect) 1) i to london last summer. a) was b) has been s) have been 2) she just write her test. a) have finished b) finished c) has finished 3) they new car two years ago. a) have bought b) bought c) has bought 4) my little sister film yesterday. a) watched b) have watched c) has watched 5) i the black sea last year. a) have swum b) has swum c) swam 4. закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – in 2011, last summer, recently, never: 1) my friend has seen them. 2) i visited my grandma 3) they moved to this town 4) she has been in moscow. 5. заверши вопрос, выбрав подходящее по смыслу окончание вопроса 1) it is a lovely evening, …….? a) isn’ it b) doesn’t it c) was it 2) the sportsman runs very fast, … a) don’t he b) doesn’t he c) didn’t he 3) her parents aren’t from britain, ……? a) were they b) are they c) do they 4) yesterday he met his best friend, ….? a) didn’t he b) doesn’t he c) don’t they 5) nick can’t swim very well,….? a) can she b) can they c) can he ii. лексика. 1.какое слово лишнее по смыслу? 1) museum, theatre, magazine, cinema. 2) create, invite, famous, protect 3) polite, curious, change, understanding 4) actress, nurse, intelligent, housewife 5) serious, unhappy, athletic, loving 2. выбери и вставь подходящее по смыслу слово: 1) the person who sings songs is a…….. a) writer b) engineer c) singer 2) the person who writes stories and novels is a….. a) poet b) writer c) scientist 3) the person who plays in the films is an…. a) sportsman b) housewife c) actor 4) the person who takes care of sick people is a… a) doctor b) vet c) dentist 5) the person who repairs cars, ships, planes is a…… a) driver b) mechanic c) firefighter 3. установи соответствие между словом и переводом. 1) square a) крепость 2) cathedral b) библиотека 3) library c) башня 4) palace d) собор 5) tower e) дворец 6) fortress f) площадь страноведение. выбери верный ответ(ы) 1.the uk consists of ……..parts. three b) four c) five 2.the uk consists of …. scotland b) germany c) wales d) england e) northern ireland выбери и вставь подходящее по смыслу слово one of the most well- known english churches is… westminster abbey b) tower bridge c) big ben are the buildings where the british parliament sits. the tower of london b) the british museum c) the kremlin the river where london is situated. the neva b) the thames c) the volga the capital of the great britain is….. london b) paris c) moscow is one of the most famous clocks in the world. the thames b) the kremlin c) big ben составь словосочетания trafalgar a) palace white b) parliament tower c) eye buchingham d) tower westminster e) bridge the houses f) abbey the london g) square

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Listen! my friend  is singing  the song. my sister usually  helps  in the kitchen. ann and her friends  are walking  now. they go abroad every summer. she often  writes  to her friends. 2. закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – now, every day, at the moment, in the morning: 1. the baby is crying  at the moment 2. i get up at 7 a.m  every day 3. we have breakfast  in the morning 4. they are doing homework  now 3. выбери верную форму глагола ( past simple or present perfect) 1) i was to london last summer. 2) she has  just finished  to write her test. 3) they bought  a new car two years ago. 4) my little sister watched  this film yesterday. 5) i swam  in the black sea last year. 4. закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – in 2011, last summer, recently, never: 1) my friend has recently  seen them. 2) i visited my grandma last summer 3) they moved to this town in 2011 4) she has never been in moscow. 5. заверши вопрос, выбрав подходящее по смыслу окончание вопроса 1) it is a lovely evening,  isn’ it? 2) the sportsman runs very fast,  doesn’t he? 3) her parents aren’t from britain,  are they? 4) yesterday he met his best friend,  didn’t he? 5) nick can’t swim very well,can he? ii. лексика. 1.какое слово лишнее по смыслу? 1)   magazine 2) famous 3) change 4) intelligent 5) athletic 2. выбери и вставь подходящее по смыслу слово: 1) the person who sings songs is a……..   singer 2) the person who writes stories and novels is a….. writer 3) the person who plays in the films is an….   actor 4) the person who takes care of sick people is a… a) doctor  5) the person who repairs cars, ships, planes is a…… mechanic  3. установи соответствие между словом и переводом. 1-f  2) d  3) b  4) e  5) c    6) a страноведение. выбери верный ответ(ы) 1.the uk consists of ……..parts. four 2.the uk consists of …. scotland,   wales, england,  northern ireland выбери и вставь подходящее по смыслу слово westminster abbey  is one of the most well- known english churches  the tower of london  are the buildings where the british parliament sits. the thames  is the river where london is situated. the capital of the great britain is  london  big ben  is one of the most famous clocks in the world. составь словосочетания trafalgar  squarebuchingham palace westminster  abbey the houses of parliament the london bridge

1 - 1;

2 - 2;

3 - 1;

4 - 1;

5 - 2;

6 - 2.


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