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1. my partner’s cooking is far (bad) than mine. 2. this winter’s definitely (wet) than last year. 3. prague’s one of the ) cities i’ve ever been to. 4. most of my classmates live a lot (far) away from school than i do. 5. the city center is much (polluted) this winter than it used to be.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my partner’s cooking is far   worse  than mine.2. this winter’s definitely wetter than last year. 3. prague’s one of the   prettiest  cities i’ve ever been to. 4. most of my classmates live a lot farther  away from school than i do. 5. the city center is more polluted this winter than it used to be

когда отходит пароход? when will the ship leave?

где наша каюта? where is  our stateroom?

наша каюта по левому (правому) борту, в кормовой (носовой) части.

our stateroom is on the left (right) side, in the stern (bow) parts.

пойдемте на палубу. let´s go on deck.


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