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Напишите эссе по тексту a poor man heard that the rajah enjoyed talking to clever people, and was always glad to see them. "people say i am clever", the man said himself. "if i go to the rajan's palace, perhaps he will help me." the rajah's palace was only thirty miles away from the village, but it took the man two days to get there, as he had to walk all the way. when he got to the palace, the soldiers at the door stopped him and asked what he wanted. "i want to see the rajah and talk to him," the poor man explained. the rajah was just leaving the palace and heard what the poor man was saying. "send him away," he said to his soldiers. "his clothes are old and dirty. i don't enjoy talking to such people or looking at them." the poor man had a friend who lived not far away, so he went to that man's house to rest before returning home. "what are you doing here? " his friend asked. the poor man described his meeting with the rajah and said: "it's clear that without better clothes i'll never get into the palace." "yes, i think you are quite right," his friend said. "take my new clothes and put them on. then try again." the old man agreed, and the next morning he put on his friend's new clothes and again went to the palace. the rajah came to the door and said, "come in, come in! i'm glad to see you. i'm just going to have dinner, and you will be my guest. i don't like to eat alone." they went in together and sat down at a table with all kinds of good things to eat on it. but instead of eating, the rajah's visitor began to put food into the pockets of his clothes. the rajah looked at him in surprise. "why are you putting food into your pockets? " he asked. "when i came here yesterday in old clothes," the poor man explained, "you refused to see me or talk to me. i came today in these fine clothes and you invited me to dinner. so i understand that the food is not for me. it is my fine clothes."

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My  favourite  book  is  harry  poter!   ithis  book  is  about  boy  whi  live  with  family  and  this  family  dosent  like  him!   and  in  one  day  wizard  come  to  his  house  and  take  harry  to  schools  of  majic.  this  school  calls  hogwards.  and  on  this  moment all  begin.  i encourage  you  to  read  this  book!

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