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Перевести на : ! 1.я не люблю кушать утром 2.в воскресенье мы кушаем 4 раза в день 3.дай мне ,, кусок белого хлеба с маслом и сладкий чай с лимоном. 4.утром он любит выпивать стакан фруктового сока 5. на завтрак у них была рыба с картошкой и кофе с молоком. 6. ты умеешь варить кофе? -нет, но я умею заваривать чай. 7.возьми , стакан воды и полей этот цветок 8.много учеников берут бутерброды в школу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i don`t like eating in the morning 2.we eat four times a day on sunday 3.please,give me a piece of bread with butter and sweet tea with lemon 4.in the morning he likes to drink a glass of fruit juice 5.they had fish and chips and coffee with milk on breakfast 6.do you know how to brew coffee? no,i don`t.but i    know how to brew tea 7.please take a glass of water and pour this flower 8.many pupils take sandwiches to school

1. i don't like eat at morning. 2.on sunday we eat 4 times a day 3.give me please loaf of bread with butter and and sweet tea with lemon 4.at the morning he likes to drink a glass of juice 5. for the breakfast they had potato with fish and coffee with milk6.can you make a coffee? no,but i can make tea7.take glass of water and water this flower,please8.many students take sandwiches at school.

1. "he doesn't speak french," - said mary and looked at me. 2. i promise i don't tell anybody your secret untill you allow me to do it. 3. he said he would finish the report in two days. 4. at our last excursion the guide told us a very beautigul legend about the castle. 5. the boy came up to the policeman and asked him to show the way to the bus stop. 6. "what have you just told? " - the woman asked her daughter.

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