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Reading read the text given below. match the headings (a-f) with the parts (1-6) of the text. a the first students в staying at the universities c no married teachers d an exciting competition e women students f ancient universities the towns of oxford and cambridge have some of the finest buildings in britain. they are famous for their universities, the oldest in england. all the students live and study in colleges. cambridge has 31 colleges and oxford has 39. oxford's first college started in 1249. cambridge's first college opened in 1281. before the 12th century, people who wanted a good education went to the sorbonne in paris. then, in 1167, all english students in paris moved to oxford. some people say king henry ii told them to move. others say the french threw them out! the students went to study in oxford monasteries and that was the beginning of oxford university. the church was very important in oxford and cambridge for many years. for example, until the 19th century the university teachers were almost like priests and they couldn't marry. women started studying later than men. the first women's college at cambridge opened in 1869 and at oxford in 1878. today, three cambridge colleges and one oxford college are for women only. men and women study together in the others. every year the universities compete in a rowing race over 7 kilometres of the thames. the first race was in 1829 and it became a yearly race in 1839. all the students really want their university to win! people can stay in rooms at oxford and cambridge when the students are on holiday. some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more they often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square in the middle of the college. imagine sleeping in the same room as an ex prime minister or eating at the same table as lawrence of arabia!

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Пульт дистанційного керування перші машини з дистанційним інням використовувалися в основному для військових цілей. radiocontrolled моторні човни, розроблена німецьким військовим флотом, були використані в першій світовій війні радіокеровані бомби та інші пульт дистанційного керування зброю було застосовано у другій світовій війні. після того, як була закінчена війна, вчені сша експериментували, щоб знайти невійськового використання для дистанційного контроль. в кінці 1940-х автоматичних консервооткрывателей гаража винайдені двері були, і в 1950 році перший телевізор використовувалися пульти дистанційного іння. перший пульт дистанційного керування для телевізора, називається «ледащо», в 1950 році була розроблена зеніт електроніки корпорації. він використовував кабель, який йшов від телевізора до глядача. мотор в телевізор експлуатується в пульта тюнер з дистанційного керування. хоча клієнтам подобається мати дистанційне керування в телевізорі вони скаржилися на те, що чоловік спіткнувся про кабель, який валяється на підлозі у вітальні. 71 зеніт інженер юджин поллі винайшов «flashmatic», в який був представлений 1955 році і представляв перший в галузі бездротової пульт дистанційного керування для телевізора. у той час як він вперше ввів поняття бездротової пульт контролю «flashmatic» має деякі обмеження. це було просте пристрій, яке було без схеми захисту і, якщо в телевізорі сталося, щоб бути в області, в якій сонце світило прямо на нього, глядачі повинні в труднощі переключенні каналів.


researchers studying the schools and the standard of education in the us have found that the american educational system has many weaknesses; among them are the inadequate level of literacy and a poor knowledge of history and literature. one study showed that around 80 percent of high school seniors could not identify dickens, dostoevsky, and ibsen. other studies indicate that students are weak in mathematics and writing skills.

many students simply do not study enough. two-thirds of high school seniors do an hour or less of home-work per night. american teenagers are often distracted by part-time jobs, sports, and other school activities, tv and socializing. some cannot cope with emotional problems, use of illegal drugs, or simply lack motivation. clearly, if americans are to become better educated, one study showed, students must study more, and parents must insist on it. a large number need help in learning english. many change residences and schools often, and a changing classroom population is difficult to teach. in some classrooms, teachers have difficulty keeping the students’ attention because disrespectful uncooperative students disturb the class.

certain problems come about as a result of trying to educate everyone together. the pressing problem is how to challenge the person of aboveaverage academic ability while taking care of the average student. the problem is solved in part by differentiated curricula. there is a wide variety of courses offerings in an american high school. students are allowed to choose a certain number of subjects they study. but in spite of the guidance system some make unsuitable course selections. until they drop or fail the course, they sometimes slow down the progress of the class. this is especially true of state-supported colleges and universities with a liberal admission policy. the general courses offered in the first two years are often designed to round out the education of the average person rather than for the specialist in a field.

in more specialized fields in the third and fourth years and especially at the graduate level, the problem is less acute because standards are rigorous enough so that students lacking abilities in that field will drop out or never gain admittance.

the problem of racial unbalance in schools exists in all parts of the united states, not just in the south. despite numerous efforts the problem remains unsolved. the most controversial method has been busing school children from their neighborhoods to schools in more distant neighborhoods in order to achieve a better balance of black and white children in the schools.

criticism of american education stimulated a reform movement which became particularly active at the end of the 1980s. as a result, 45 of the 50 states raised high school graduation requirements. efforts have been made to involve parents in school and to improve teaching. college programmes that educate teachers are encouraging academically talented students to go into teaching. school administrators are revising curricula; publishers are creating more challenging and interesting textbooks. finally, citizens are urging communities and the federal government to provide more tax dollars for education.

americans deeply believe in education as the best vehicle for individual and social advancement. even though for most young americans, formal education does not end with high school graduation; improving the basic school system is one of the nation’s top priorities.

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