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Past simple or past continuous? выбери глагол в правильной форме. when mr oti§, the american minister, decided to buy canterville chase, everyone told him that it was a stupid thing to do. even lord canterville (1) thought / was thinking that a ghost lived in the house. he (2) told / was telrng mr otis about it when they (3) had dinner / were having dinner. it happened many years ago. his grand-aunt (4) sat / was sitting on her bed when she saw two skeleton hands above her. after that she became very ill. but mr otis did not believe in ghosts and wanted to buy the house. a few weeks later he and his family (5) moved /w as moving to canterville chase. s

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1)thought. 2)told 3)had dinner 4)was sitting 5)moved

When mr oti§, the american minister, decided to buy canterville chase, everyone told him that it was a stupid thing to do. even lord canterville (1) thought that a ghost lived in the house. he (2) told mr otis about it when they (3) were having dinner. it happened many years ago. his grand-aunt (4) was sitting on her bed when she saw two skeleton hands above her. after that she became very ill. but mr otis did not believe in ghosts and to buy the house. a few weeks later he and his family (5) moved to canterville chase.

ответ:а) educated people

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