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Перевести на : 1)ладно. я лучше продолжу учить . не хочу портить зрения, сидя за телефоном. 2)ладно. продолжу делать уроки. 3)я,наверное, займусь уроками сейчас.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)okay. i'd rather continue to teach english. don't want to spoil the view, sitting at the phone. 2)okay. i will continue to do the lessons.  3)i probably did her homework now.

Ihave got a cat. her name is pussy. pussy is three years old. she is grey and fluffy. her eyes are green and her nose is pink. her tail is long.  she is very lazy and loves to sleep. she eats sausages, fish. at night she  hunts mice and in the daytime she catches flies. pussy is very playful. i like to play with her. i love pussy and take care of her. i would love to have a dog and a gold fish too.

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