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Нужно поставить глаголы в нужной форме. предложения 3. we will recruit more designers if we (to afford) it. 4. unless the accident had happened yesterday, you (to be) here now. 5. if i (to know) her better, i would introduce her to you. 6. unless you (argue) with your boss, you would not have to be looking for a new job today. 7. if i (to be) you, i would obey my boss. 8. he ( not to have) to consider on-the job-training, if he had a wider range of skills. 9. if you (demonstrate) your flexibility and charisma, the recruiters will give you another opportunity to work as a trainee. 10. what (happen) if i did not make the right impression on that audience?

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Ответы на вопрос:

3afford 4would have been 5knew 6had argued 7were 8wouldn't have 9demonstrate 10would happen

1-cooked. 2-being asking. 3-speaking,sitting.

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