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Match the words below with the definitions. * advertisement * detached * flat * landlord * housemate * rent * upstairs 1. a house is not joined to another house. 2. a is the owner of a house which other people pay to live in. 3. a is somebody who shares a house with you but is not a member of your family. 4. the is the part of the house above the ground floor. 5. an is a notice (usually in a newpaper) that tells people about something (job, service, or something for sale). 6. a is a number of rooms, usually in a large building, where people live. 7. is the money you pay regularly to a landlord.

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1. detached 2.landlord 3.housemate 4.upstairs 5.advertisement 6.flat 7.rent забавная аватарка, кстати : ъ

Hey mark, it’s been a while and i’ve decided to write you a letter. i had a birthday party a week ago in my house. sad you couldn’t come. the birthday party was amazing. a lot of people came and there were a lot of fun. jessica as always made everyone laugh with her funny jokes and john brought pizza which we are in seconds. i got lots of presents but the best one is from lucy. you won’t believe me what she gifted me. ready? iphone x. joke, she gifted me tickets to the movie with her. romantic movie. hate those. but nice from her though. anyway, i have to go. my swimming pool classes starts in an hour. see you later and write to me more frequently please. with respect, daniel.

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