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Переведите на "мой выходной день начинается так.я встаю в 8: 00 утра и иду в ванну умываться.после я делаю зарядку.когда я заканчиваю зарядку я иду завтракать со всей семьёй, и в 12: 00 я иду выгуливать собак с подругами.обычно я прихожу в 13: 30 и я сижу за компьютером .немного посидев я начинаю делать уроки.когда все уроки сделаны я пом агаю маме с .и ужинаю .дальше я занимаюсь своими делами.потом лажусь в постель и засыпаю.

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Ответы на вопрос:

"my day starts like this.i get up at 8: 00 am and go to the bathroom to wash.after i do exercises.when i'm done charging i'm going to have breakfast with the whole family, and at 12: 00 i go to walk the dogs with friends.usually i come at 13: 30 and i'm sitting at the computer .a little while, i'm starting to do homework.when all the lessons i made pom agay mom with homework.and dinner .i then go about their business.then got on to bed and fall asleep.

My day starts like this.i get up at 8: 00 am and go to the bathroom to wash.after i do exercises.when i'm done charging i'm going to have breakfast with the whole family, and at 12: 00 i go to walk the dogs with friends.usually i come at 13: 30 and i'm sitting at the computer .a little while, i'm starting to do homework.when all the lessons are made i help mom with homework.and dinner .i then go about their business.then go to bed and fall asleep .

1. i will not mention it unless he does. 2. you go home and if we see tommy flynn we will tell him. 3. of course it can’t last, but when it comes to an end it will be a wonderful experience for him. it really makes a man of him. 4. he will  dance attendance upon her as long as she lets him. 5. i don't want eliza to have the shock of your news until she makes it up with these two gentlemen. 6. if you don't intend to go in for the whole day you’d better let me know now and i will  ring up when i get to work and tell them you will be sick. 7. you just stay there until i tell you, my girl, and i will clean up  the house. 8. if you wait ten minutes, i will run both of us round in the car. 9. when you are up in the sanatorium it will not seems so bad, i'm sure. 10. now i will tell you a secret if you promise not to tell anyone. 11. it will  not be so long till we are together and then it   will  not be so hard for him. 12. once i get her into one of those sanatoria, you will have no expenses at all, but until there is a vacancy i can’t get her in.

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