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1.the president of the united states is every four years. a) a)examined b) b)elected c) c)challenged 2. 2.the president makes the most important decisions and chooses the members of a) a)council b) b)court c) c)cabinet 3. 3.in other words, the president the heads of the most important departments in the administration. a) a)appoints b) b)delays c) c)opposes 4. 4.they help the head of state govern a) a)assembly b) b)country c) c)parliament 5. 5.the president the united states on official occasions. a) a)controls b) b)declares c) c)represents 6. 6.the president cannot act without the senate’s a) a)approval b) b)appointment c) c)opposition 7. 7.congress is the branch of the federal government. a) a)democratic b) b)political c) c)legislative 8. 8.the president’s policies must be approved by the houses of representatives and the senate before they a) a)constitution b) b)law c) c)democracy

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1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b

Coauthor-соавтор (как бы в сотрудничестве) undress-раздевать (противоположное значение) disarm-разоружаться (противоположное) postwar-послевоенный (post-после) illegal-нелегальный (il-не) unkind-недобрый (un-не, противоположное) reconstruct-реконструировать/воссоздать (сделать что-то еще раз) deformation-деформация (лишение чего-то) prewar-довоенный (pre-пред) antibody-     анти-тело (anti-анти) ex-champion - экс чемпион (бывший) superhuman -сверхчеловеческий (сверх) ultrashort - сверхкороткие (ультра)

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