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Вставь пропушиное слово: poems by heart

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Learn- студенты учат поэму на изусть

1.        you can read english very well.can you read english very well? you can't read english very well.2.        i can answer that question.can i answer that question? i can't answer that question.3.        he can speak english quite well. can he speak english quite well? he can't speak english quite well.4.        she can spell “book”. can she spell “book”? she can't spell “book”.5.        you can spell that word with one s.can you spell that word with one s? you can't spell that word with one s.6.        she can understand the meaning now.can she understand the meaning now? she can't understand the meaning now.7.        they can understand the meaning now.can they understand the meaning now? they can't understand the meaning now.8.        we can pronounce english well. can we pronounce english well? we can't pronounce english well.

Популярно: Английский язык