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Ответить развёрнуто на вопросы диктора(репортёра) 1.do you think you're a healthy person? 2. what do you do to keep fit and healthy? 3.and what is it that you never do not to damage your health? 4.do you keep to any special diet? 5.do you have regular meals? 6.do you have enough sleep? when do you go to bed? буду : з

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) yes, because they're in very low levels. i've had lots of x-rays taken over the years. 2) i didn't do any jogging since almost one month, i have decided to start this very healthy and useful exercise 3) 4)well,i don't think it is good to eat a lot of meat. i uaually have meat only once a week. 5) 6) 3 ответил,3 нет. удачи

Ilove zoos. most of the animals caught in a zoo in nature would be doomed to failure - often they were either wounded or killed near the selected parents; you can certainly argue about whether their good life in captivity but it does not say in good zoos that bad.for example, our friends, fastidious pandas each week brought on a huge truck eats bamboo are only half as all meticulously sniffed, discarded neponravivshiesya branches and more in their mouth no longer take, and carry them to bamboo trucks - straight from the tin and sochnenkogo   перевод; я люблю зоопарки. большинство животных, попавших в зоопарк, в природе было бы обречено на гибель - зачастую они были или ранены, или без родителей ; можно, конечно, рассуждать о том, хороша ли их жизнь в неволе… но в хороших зоопарках она никак не сказать, что плоха.например, нашим любимцам- каждую неделю привозят по огромному грузовику бамбука… они только половину, т.к. придирчиво всё нюхают, отбрасывают непонравившиеся веточки и больше их в рот уже не возьмут, так и возят им грузовики бамбука - свеженького и сочненького…

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