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Напиши на даты праздников: новый год, всемирный день женщин, день св. валентина, рождество, день знаний и день победы.

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New year,world day of women,st. valentine's day,christmas,knowledge day, victory day.

New year - january 1st  world womens day - march 8 st. valentine -   february 14 cristmas - january 7 day os knowledge - 1 septemper victory day -   may 9 

Ihave studyed since 1995 2) we have study english at school 3) he has gone out and has not returned hey 4) how many pages have you read yet? 5) i have come at 5 oclock yesterday 6) he has not finished his work yet and is not ready to go with us 7) from 1991 to 1998 he has worked as am economist 8) i was busy all this week 9) where do all the students go? 11) last summer jim and jane have travelled to the conference in berlin together.

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