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Раскрой скобки и поставь глаголы в подходящей форме: present simple, present continuous tense. the cuckoos (not build) nets. (use) the nets of other birds. you can’t talk to him now: he (have) a bath. нe usually ( tea, but today he ( coffee. what she (do) in the evening? – she usually (play) chess or (read) books. i won’t go out now as it (rain) and i (not a raincoat. the last bus ( the station at 10.15. she usually ( so quickly that i (not her. ann (make) a cake for her birthday party at the moment. she ( all the preparation herself.(остальное решила)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)don't build 2)use 3) is having 4)drinks, is drinking 5)does, do; plays, reads 6)is raining, don't have 7)leaves 8)speaks, don't understand 9)is making,is making

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