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Снадо 15 ! complete the sentences with the missing function words1 where necessary. 1) what i felt was a mixture love and hate. 2) you’ll find me the entrance the cinema at a quarter to seven. 3) you should show more respect your teachers. 4) it ’s not necessary to graduate a university to be a respected and knowledgeable person. 5) a ll the houses in the little village were made wood. 6) sara said she was not going to put with the children’s behaviour. 7) you need a sense responsibility to become a good leader. 8) so many subjects can’t be studied pupils at the same time. 9) w ill i be able to enter the hall after the third bell? 10) y yuri gagarin is one of the people whose name is known all the world.

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1) with 2) 3) to 4) in 5) from 6) on 7) of 8) in/at 9) in 10) over

на сегодняшний день у молодежи популярны американские сериалы вроде отбросов , сверхъестественного ,лучших друзей. это занимательные сериалы где главные герои в смешные и неуклюжие ситуации. еще молодежи нравятся комедии. это занимательный жанр. так же довольно распространены фильмы ужасов вроде сайлент хилл, звонок и крик. мистика завораживает и пугает,одновременно влечет к себе.   а определенные группы подростков увлекаются японской мультипликацией или ,что более распространено аниме.   на этом конечно же не все,но я описал самые распространенные.


for today the youth is very popular american soap operas like misfits , the supernatural ,the best of friends. it is interesting series where the main characters find themselves in funny and awkward situation. more young people like comedy. this is a very interesting genre. as is common horror movies like silent hill, the call and cry. mysticism is fascinating and frightening at the same time attracts. a certain group of teenagers are addicted to japanese animation or ,more commonly anime. this of course not all,but i described the most common.

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