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Как прочитать текст буквами the holiday was invented by eastern slavs ,celebrated from 24 june to 7 july • three of the most unusual rite is 1)jumping over the fire 2)go swimming in the river naked 3)search for the sacred herb • this holiday is very interesting ,but i liked the tradition of wonder under the night i think the day of ivana kupala is very mysterious and bright holiday

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The holiday was invented by eastern slavs ,celebrated from 24 june to 7 july ðə  ˈhɒlədeɪ  wɒz  ɪnˈvɛntɪd  baɪ  ˈiːstən  slɑːvz  ,ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪd  frɒm  ˈtwɛnti  fɔːθ  ʤuːn  tuː  ˈsɛvnθ  ʤu(ː)ˈlaɪ  • three of the most unusual rite is •  θriː  ɒv  ðə  məʊst  ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl  raɪt  ɪz  1)jumping over the fire  1)ˈʤʌmpɪŋ  ˈəʊvə  ðə  ˈfaɪə    2)go swimming in the river naked  2)gəʊ  ˈswɪmɪŋ  ɪn  ðə  ˈrɪvə  ˈneɪkɪd    3)search for the sacred herb  3)sɜːʧ  fɔː  ðə  ˈseɪkrɪd  hɜːb    • this holiday is very interesting ,but i liked the tradition of wonder under the night •  ðɪs  ˈhɒlədeɪ  ɪz  ˈvɛri  ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ  ,bʌt  aɪ  laɪkt  ðə  trəˈdɪʃən  ɒv  ˈwʌndər  ˈʌndə  ðə  naɪt  i think the day of ivana kupala is very mysterious and bright holiday aɪ  θɪŋk  ðə  deɪ  ɒv  ivana  kupala  ɪz  ˈvɛri  mɪsˈtɪərɪəs  ænd  braɪt  ˈhɒlədeɪ

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