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Напишите как нибудь мою биографию на языке вот дополнительные слова: моё первое слово мама, начала ходить в 9 месяцов,потом мне уже 11 лет,люблю тортики,люблю рисовать а также читать, а дальше что нибудь сами допишите , а еще зовут меня лейла.- 15

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Hi. my name is leila. i am 11 years old and i want to tell you a little about myself. my first word was "mom", i started to go to 9 years, and i love sweets. in my spare time i love reading and drawing. that's all.

Ячестно не знаю как, жди другого ответа, сорри

1. it is interesting when students come back from london? 2. when he arrived? 3. we have any oil? no not at all. 4. i'm so glad you came. 5. glass easily beats. 6.your clothes are completely soaked. change 7. she still hasn't responded to your offer 8. the word marketing has become very popular in the russian language. 9. the latest news confirmed the coup in colombia 10. they are not as capable as we 11. in recent years, many universities have revised their curricula. 12. this year we are seeing a lot of unusual natural phenomena. 20. me please, coffee and ice cream.

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